#Free Money Day
(A more generous world is possible)
Every year on September 15th, people across the world hand out their own money to complete strangers (virtually or in-person), asking recipients to pass half on to someone else. An experiment in generosity, Free Money Day invites a questioning of our relationship to money. Are you daring enough to give it a try?
How to get involved
You have three options to take part in Free Money Day:
News and inspiration
Free Money Day 2022 Media Release
Thursday, September 15th, 2022 **** A global social experiment challenges relationships to money and shows that a more generous world is possible. On September 15th, people around the world will hand out money, virtually or in person, asking recipients to pass half on...
Free Money Day 2023: Nano’s Remarkable Contribution to a Day of Generosity
Every year, Free Money Day rolls around as a testament to the human spirit's generosity, prompting intriguing conversations about money's place in our lives. Instead of viewing money as a limited resource we fiercely compete for, this day inspires a more abundant,...
Free Money Day: Simple, Joyful Ways to Challenge the Status Quo
A recap and reflections on 2023’s global event. Free Money Day (FMD) 2023 marked the 13th anniversary of global celebrations centered on sharing and post-growth visions. This simple, but intriguing, annual social experiment has led to countless...